SSTI has the unique in-house capabilities to create hardware solutions that would otherwise be unobtainable from a single source. We can take your project through the entire cycle from concept design, procurement and into production. Our engineers can create solutions using commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) components, but also add any necessary customization to obtain your system integration goals. We have been a partner in many ground-based support equipment (GSE) for many prime aerospace companies.
We provide system integration and development to assure a quick start with your project.
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Customized training, engineering assistance and consulting on VME, cPCI, and VPX embedded systems. Our consultants become familiar with your project thus facilitating a higher level of future support.
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We offer repair services for most of the products on our inventory listing as well as from major SBC manufacturers.
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We are a registered VAR with many of the industry’s top manufacturers. Solution Systems is your SINGLE source for your advanced technology procurement needs.
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Academic Research
Data Acquisition & Processing
Adaptive Optics